What We Offer

Sales and marketing expertise around the globe

Beauty and Personal Care

We can take an existing product and give it all kinds of major exposure.  We can turn it into a recognizable brand, therefore increasing sales through new marketing opportunities, both regionally and globally.

Medical Devices and Software

With the help of our medical experts and our connections to key players across the globe, we are able to form international collaborations, leading to the successful development of new products and services in the medical field.

Global Marketing and Sales

We can increase your brand’s exposure and sales volume through development and localization techniques.  We can also place your products in the hands of large retailers and key distributors around the globe, ensuring widespread exposure.

R&D and Production Assistance

Connect with our experts, all with their own specific fields of expertise.  Use their insights and know-how to carry your idea from a written plan to a live and profitable production line.  Alternatively, improve and optimize an existing device or product.

Global Outreach and Local Presence

In today’s unpredictable economy, many medical and beauty/personal care businesses are looking beyond their domestic networks as a means of expanding their market share and increasing their ROI. Whilst an excellent idea, many different factors need to be considered, to ensure the correct approach is made and followed through.  Here, at BPLinks, we can help you develop the best possible strategy for your product, to help you penetrate a specific market, or gain a bigger share of your existing one.

But it’s not just marketing and strategy experience  that we offer.  Our experts, both in the medical and in the beauty and personal care fields, have extensive hands-on experience and are able to develop an idea in the laboratory and then take it through the production stage.   This kind of knowledge – accumulated through years of hard work – is something we pride ourselves on.  We believe it is this that gives us an edge in today’s competitive economy.

We promise to be at your side every step of the way, with our “hands-on” approach.  With our extensive network of business connections, we can place your product in front of the client who matches your exact needs – time and again.  And we don’t just open doors for you, we’re at your side as you walk through them, watching carefully all the while to ensure the journey is fast and smooth.


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